Thursday, December 10, 2009

I found a cool new site that may help us. Let's see if we can find a good grant opportunity in here somewhere!

Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Okay, if you already sent a comment to me, you have another assignment.

1. Look at the right side of the page on under "Followers." It should say "Already a member? Sign in."
2. Click Sign in.
3. Click Google or Yahoo (preferably Google).
4. A new page should come up. Sign in. Then you will be considered a "follower."

Harrison Middle School Albuquerque
Okay, to log on and post comments, the easiest way is to:
1a. create a Google account. Go to and follow the instructions there.
1b. To to and sign in to your Google account.
2. Return to
3. Click on the "comments" link at the bottom of the page. This will open up a box in which you can type.
4. Enter your message.
5. Go the "comment as" pulldown menu. Select Google. Then click "Post Comment". This will send you to a new page.
6. On the new page, you will sign in using your new Google account information. The computer will then redirect you back to the comment page. Go ahead and post your comment. This should do it.
7. After you have done this once, you should be able to sign in again, skipping (of course) the step about creating a Google account.

Harrison Middle School Albuquerque

Monday, December 7, 2009

Search for Grants

We have already searched for the different prices of recycling bins. Here is a list of different places we can look for grants.

1. You must post which grant you will apply for and what you need to do in order to apply for it.

2. Now you must start writing the grant. I will help you with it when needed, though I will mostly be editing and crafting the language to fit with what the organization require. Albuquerque’s Environmental Story - Environ. Protection Agency - GRANT DUE Dec 15. N. American Assoc. for Environ. Ed. - A Yahoo listing of Environmental Grant-making organizations - top environmental grants online - Environmental Grantmakers Association New Jersey Public Service Corporation - PNM Grants NM Foundations and Grants - Captain Planet Grants New Mexico Recycling Coalition Keep NM Beautiful Inc. Albuquerque Recycling Program Albuq. Environ. Orgs Environ. News Service