Sunday, October 17, 2010

Garden Design & Grant Writing

There are many things we must consider when designing and financing the beta phase of our project. When deciding which plants to use, please keep in mind we are in USDA zone 6b: 

edible gardening
Akami Backyard Gardening (Permaculture)

Dryland Permaculture Strategies (video won't work at school)
How to Terraform the Desert (videos won't work at school)

companion gardening

grant writing - Environ. Protection Agency - GRANT DUE Dec 15. American Assoc. for Environ. Ed. - top environmental grants online - Environmental Grantmakers Association New Mexico Recycling Coalition

other terms to look up:
water harvesting + techniques/strategies/methods
organic gardening + techniques/strategies/methods
symbiotic gardening + techniques/strategies/methods
Edible Landscaping Online

Monday, October 11, 2010

Green messaging at the school.

One of the things we must do is convince the student population to get their families involved in our quest for a better community. Not only must we get their attention in 1.5 seconds or less, but we must also get the viewer of the message to commit to remembering what it is we want them to burn to memory. Here are some images we created in this quest. The messages will be added digitally later, after we examine propaganda/advertising techniques used by transnational corporations.

Harrison Middle School Albuquerque