Sunday, September 12, 2010

In order to create a new...

Okay class, pipe down and open your books to page 47 and begin to read...
...or perhaps not.
Today, in the Caravanserai, both Yellow and Green Team discussed the interconnectedness of large institutions and how they work together to keep things moving for, you guessed it, those same institutions. We also discussed the Federal lunch program and how little it provides per student per day for food. After all we have learned, each class began its manifesto, er...mission statement:

YELLOW: We want to improve the overall health of our community. While we acknowledge we cannot change the industrial food system, we will still work to influence its practices while also developing our own system(s) of food production. We are going to do this by...

GREEN: We group up together to create a new system, one which rejects the way large corporations look at all life on our planet. We must start from scratch, and build a system that acknowledges where our food comes from, that introduces a new epistemology- one based in human life, thinking seven generations down the road. We are going to do this by...

Now...we can change these at any time, add, or subtract. What is important, is that the core message in both is that we can work to change society as a whole, while at the same time creating a culture that goes beyond what society thinks is possible.

My Opinion: I believe each person, no matter where they are or what they are doing, is shaping our society. How one sweeps a broom or trades a stock has vast implications unto the lives of all other living things on this planet. In other words, we have been told that history and culture were created by someone else. I am saying that we are capable of creating our own history and defining our own culture. We are agents of change if we wish to be. We can become the change we've been waiting to see. What better place than here? What better time than now?

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