Sunday, October 17, 2010

Garden Design & Grant Writing

There are many things we must consider when designing and financing the beta phase of our project. When deciding which plants to use, please keep in mind we are in USDA zone 6b: 

edible gardening
Akami Backyard Gardening (Permaculture)

Dryland Permaculture Strategies (video won't work at school)
How to Terraform the Desert (videos won't work at school)

companion gardening

grant writing - Environ. Protection Agency - GRANT DUE Dec 15. American Assoc. for Environ. Ed. - top environmental grants online - Environmental Grantmakers Association New Mexico Recycling Coalition

other terms to look up:
water harvesting + techniques/strategies/methods
organic gardening + techniques/strategies/methods
symbiotic gardening + techniques/strategies/methods
Edible Landscaping Online

Monday, October 11, 2010

Green messaging at the school.

One of the things we must do is convince the student population to get their families involved in our quest for a better community. Not only must we get their attention in 1.5 seconds or less, but we must also get the viewer of the message to commit to remembering what it is we want them to burn to memory. Here are some images we created in this quest. The messages will be added digitally later, after we examine propaganda/advertising techniques used by transnational corporations.

Harrison Middle School Albuquerque

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Why we're doing this.

We, the learners at Harrison Middle School in Mr. Simms' Caravanserai were asked a question today about our missons: Why do we need to do this?
※ Our food at lunch and breakfast is usually horrible.
※ We want to fix the South Valley’s and Harrison’s reputation; it is inaccurate. Great things are happening here and it is a safe place to learn.
※ Because of the recent haze surrounding Rio Grande High School, we’d like to show the South Valley can do great things.
※ Improve the health and well-being of our entire student population.
※ We want to be able to provide food for our entire community.
※ We want people to realize that our community can be better and we believe we can do that through a group of people working together towards a common purpose. We also think that we, the youth, have a better chance of getting it done due to a variety of reasons.
Harrison Middle School Albuquerque

Links & Other Info

We are continuing getting information for our phone banking, asking for information and for resources. See the assignment from last post for more instructions. Here are some links that may help you on your way.


BioDynamic Agriculture Information

• Erda Gardens and Learning Center - Community Supported Agriculture. (Albuquerque)
 • Los Poblanos Organics - Organic Produce in Albuquerque New Mexico. (Albuquerque)
 • Santa Cruz Farm and Greenhouses - Community Supported Agriculture. (Espanola)
 • Beneficial Farm CSA - Biodynamic CSA farm offering plentiful amount of vegetables. (Santa Fe)
 • Flying H Ranch - New Mexico Heritage Hogs - Heritage Pork - The Ultimate Slow Food. (Rowe)
 • Agri-Tourism Advisory Council - ATAC'
 • Los Pobalnos Grower's Collective
 • Article: Taking Root in Albuquerque
 Good Farmers Service Consulting

Harrison Middle School Albuquerque

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Mission Statement and Manifesto 15 & 16

"We are going to do this by..."
The basic mission we have set for ourselves is a big one, but far from impossible. In fact, it is because it is a big dream that I believe it is possible. This is when we decide to run towards this dream; this is a place we begin to make informed decisions. This means we have to do research.
Our first step requires we look for others who are trying to do similar things- especially those people who have created institutions (groups of people working together towards a common goal). If they've been doing it for a while, they have an epistemology (knowledge+knowing) that would help us on our voyage. Since the school's budget is...mmm...lower than we would like, they will need to come to us. We need to collect the phone numbers, emails, and addresses of these institutions so we can contact them later. Here is how you search:
Below, I provide you a list of search terms, separated by commas. Each of these terms should bring you information that would be helpful in our pursuit of a more sustainable, earth-friendly future. The best way to search is to hit "Ctrl+t" on your keyboard to create a new tab. Then you can go back and forth between a search engine and this blog. Add the words "Albuquerque" or "New Mexico" to see if there are any local institutions that support this work. 
Start at the end, or the beginning, or the does not matter. Just start! GO!!!!!
PETA, CAFOs, Permaculture , Industrial farming, Mesilla Valley, Organic Gardening, Sustainable Gardening, Water Harvesting, Desert Gardening, Cooperatives, Organic Farming, Greenhouses, Urban Gardening, Radical Gardening, Guerilla Gardening, Farmer's Markets, Seed Bombs, South Central Farmers, La Montanita Co-op

Jimmy Joe Bob's Organics
1234 Jackrabbit LN
Albuquerque, NM 12345

Harrison Middle School Albuquerque

Sunday, September 12, 2010

In order to create a new...

Okay class, pipe down and open your books to page 47 and begin to read...
...or perhaps not.
Today, in the Caravanserai, both Yellow and Green Team discussed the interconnectedness of large institutions and how they work together to keep things moving for, you guessed it, those same institutions. We also discussed the Federal lunch program and how little it provides per student per day for food. After all we have learned, each class began its manifesto, er...mission statement:

YELLOW: We want to improve the overall health of our community. While we acknowledge we cannot change the industrial food system, we will still work to influence its practices while also developing our own system(s) of food production. We are going to do this by...

GREEN: We group up together to create a new system, one which rejects the way large corporations look at all life on our planet. We must start from scratch, and build a system that acknowledges where our food comes from, that introduces a new epistemology- one based in human life, thinking seven generations down the road. We are going to do this by...

Now...we can change these at any time, add, or subtract. What is important, is that the core message in both is that we can work to change society as a whole, while at the same time creating a culture that goes beyond what society thinks is possible.

My Opinion: I believe each person, no matter where they are or what they are doing, is shaping our society. How one sweeps a broom or trades a stock has vast implications unto the lives of all other living things on this planet. In other words, we have been told that history and culture were created by someone else. I am saying that we are capable of creating our own history and defining our own culture. We are agents of change if we wish to be. We can become the change we've been waiting to see. What better place than here? What better time than now?

Thursday, March 4, 2010


Cool site on recapturing "empty" spaces for use as gardens.

Harrison Middle School Albuquerque

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Assignment for March 3-4, 2010

What edible plants can be grown in the Middle Rio Grande Valley?

What kinds of soil are best for these plants?

What materials will we need for this project?

How much will they cost?

Where should we get them?

Where will we get the money for this?

How will we organize this?

What field trips would we like to go on?

How will we do this?

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Irrigation and Drainage Assignment

For numbers 1-18 answer the following questions:
A. What are the advantages to this system of irrigation?
B. What are the disadvantages to this system of irrigation?
C. What labor is necessary to sustain this system?
D. What materials are necessary to sustain this system?
E. What materials are necessary to build this system?
F. What effect does this system have on the environment in the short term?
G. What effect does this system have on the environment in the long term?
H. What similarities/differences exist to our own climate and soil conditions here at HMS?
I. What is your opinion: will this irrigation system work for us at HMS?

1. Qanats - Syria

3. Khettara - Morocco

4. Terrace Irrigation

5. Karez - Turpan, China

6. Hohokam- Southern Arizona

7. Solar Irrigation A B C

8. Furrow Irrigation

9. Machu Picchu - Inca (Peru)

10. Overhead Irrigation

11. Chultuns - Maya

12. Roman Systems - South Turkey

13. Sub-surface Irrigation

14. Water and Wastewater in Rome - Italy

15. Ancient Concrete - Roman

16. Drip Irrigation

17. Lawn Sprinklers

18. Raised Bed Irrigation - Tiwanaku, Bolivia

!!! DRAINAGE !!!
For numbers 19-33 answer the following questions:
A. What are the advantages to this system of drainage?
B. What are the disadvantages to this system of drainage?
C. What labor is necessary to sustain this system?
D. What materials are necessary to sustain this system?
E. What materials are necessary to build this system?
F. What effect does this system have on the local environment in the short term?
G. What effect does this system have on the local environment in the long term?
H. What effect does this system have on the overall environment in the short term?
I. What effect does this system have on the overall environment in the long term?
J. What is your opinion: will this drainage system work for us at HMS?

21. Intercept Drain

22. French Drain

23. Fin Drain

24. Linear Drainage Systems

25. Soakaway

26. Land Drainage

27. Gullies, Gratings, and Grids

28. Permeable Paving

29. Detention Basin or dry pond

30. Cisterns

31. Rainwater Harvesting

32. Sustainable Urban Drainage System

33. Working With Clay Soil

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Example of Growing Power!

Actual Example:
Urban Gardening in the Desert:
Overview story about a vision similar to our own:

The Edible Classroom

Edible Schoolyard Website:

The following information originated from the Edible Schoolyard website. Peace be unto them!

Garden and Kitchen Curriculum

California School Garden Network

Occidental Arts and Ecology Center

Environmental Education and Sustainability

Lunch Reform


Harrison Middle School Albuquerque